It is a good idea to look for unexpected items that can signal substance abuse so look around your kids room, check pant pockets, jacket pockets and their car for drug paraphernalia. The earlier parents are able to recognize drug related items minimizes the impact on the kid and the family. Being educated and aware of all types of drug abuse is smart even if you believe no one in your home would abuse substances. There are many choices of substances to abuse in any town or city and easy for your kid to buy or be given. The IMAP (I Make a Plan) info graphic is an easy first step to help guide you as you raise your family. Substance abuse and addiction can turn a happy home into a dark dwelling place. Being able to recognize and openly address drug use will benefit your family and save heartache. Spending a little time educating yourself about substance abuse, drug use and addiction could save lives. Drug use and substance abuse includes prescription medications such as Opioid pain relievers.
The disease of addiction is complicated but research has found that certain genetic traits and factors can increase or decrease substance abuse by individuals. Certain biological differences influence the reaction one person might have which differ from another when using addictive substances. Environment also is a component of substance abuse by how easily addictive substances can be found or bought. When substance abuse and dependency is not recognized in its early stages, the more difficult the situation becomes. Because addiction is a disease influenced by genetics and environment, we must remove the stigma, shame and silence of being an addict to open the door for more recovery and sobriety for the ones we love.